Muddy Paws Policies and Release of Liability THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between Muddy Paws LLC, and dog ownerOwner's Name(Required) First Last Please check the box at the bottom of each section.Photo and Video ReleaseMuddy Paws utilizes pictures and videos on Facebook, our website, and/or in advertisements. Owner agrees to allow Muddy Paws Resort to use Owner’s pet’s name and any images or likeness of Owner’s pet taken while he/she is at Muddy Paws Resort, in any form, for use at any time, in any media, marketing, advertising, illustration, or promotional materials.Consent(Required) I agree.Dog's HealthOwner further understands and agrees that Owner’s dog(s) are healthy and will at all times while attending Muddy Paws Resort have current vaccinations for rabies, distemper and bordetella. All dogs must be flea/tick free. Should a dog be observed to have fleas or ticks, a flea/tick treatment will be applied at the Owner’s expense. Owner is not enrolling any dog that has any condition that could potentially jeopardize the health of other dogs or people and has not had any potentially communicable condition within 10 days prior to enrollment. Owner further understands that even if Owner(s) dog is vaccinated for bordetella (Canine Cough) there is a chance that the Owner’s dog can still contract a communicable illness as it is an inherent risk of allowing dogs to gather together. Owner agrees that Owner will not hold Muddy Paws Resort responsible if Owner’s dog(s) contracts Canine Cough or any other dog-dog transmitted ailments.Consent(Required) I agree.Group PlayAll dogs must pass a general behavior assessment in order to attend dog-dog group play. No dog may be admitted to group play who shows any signs of any type of aggression or reactivity. Owner further understands and agrees that in admitting Owner’s dog(s) to dog-dog group play, Owner is representing to Muddy Paws Resort that Owner’s dog(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed, shown aggression, or exhibited any threatening behavior towards any person or other dogs. Any dog demonstrating aggression or other behavior deemed unacceptable by Muddy Paws Resort staff may be required to leave immediately. Males participating in group play must be neutered by 9 months of age.Consent(Required) I agree.Release of LiabilityOwner understands and agrees that during normal dog play, Owner’s dog may sustain injuries. Dog play is monitored by Muddy Paws Resort staff to best avoid injury, but scratches, punctures, torn ligaments, and other injuries may occur despite the best supervision. Owner further understands and agrees that Muddy Paws Resort nor any of its employees will be liable for any illness, injury, death, and/or escape of Owner’s dog(s) provided that reasonable care and precautions are followed, and Owner hereby releases Muddy Paws Resort staff or volunteers of any liability of any kind whatsoever arising from or as a result of Owner’s dog(s) attending Muddy Paws Resort.Consent(Required) I agree.GroomingMuddy Paws would like to assure you that every effort will be made to make your dog’s grooming experience as safe and pleasant as possible. During the grooming process, safety comes first for everyone, people as well as animals. PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: Occasionally, grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after grooming. All medical expenses for veterinarian care related to such a condition will be covered by the animal’s owners. ACCIDENTS: Although accidents are not common, there is an inherent risk when dealing with pets. Grooming equipment is sharp, and although we use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur such as cuts, nicks, scratches, quicking of nails, etc. In the event that an accident does occur, owners will be notified. Any veterinarian bills resulting from a pet being matted, elderly, aggressive, having a difficult temperament, or from a preexisting or unforeseeable condition will be the sole responsibility of the owner. In the event that the owner’s animal is too stressed or becomes dangerous to groom, Muddy Paws has the right to refuse, stop, or cancel grooming services at any time before, during, or after grooming. Owner will be charged a grooming fee for what was completed up until that point.Consent(Required) I agree.Personal PropertyOwner understands that Owner is solely responsible for any harm, including to any other pet(s), to the employees or invitees of Muddy Paws Resort, or to the equipment, facilities, executive suites, or other property of Muddy Paws Resort, caused by Owners dog(s). Owner also agrees that Muddy Paws Resort shall not be responsible or liable for any lost or damaged personal property belonging either to Owner or Owner’s pet.Consent(Required) I agree.VETERINARIAN LIABILITY AND CAREOwner agrees to Muddy Paws Resort to obtain medical treatment for Owner’s dog(s) if he/she appears ill, injured, or exhibits any other behavior that would reasonably suggest that dog(s) may need medical treatment including anesthesia. Owner agrees to be fully responsible for the cost of any such medical treatment. Owner gives permission to Muddy Paws Resort to use Owner’s vet or nearest available vet hospital for required treatment.Consent(Required) I agree.CANCELLATION / NO-SHOW POLICYReservations are required for all services. In the event you need to cancel a reservation, the following guidelines will be followed. Boarding: A non-refundable deposit will be required for all reservations made over peak times and for all new clients. If a cancellation occurs 7+ days in advance of check-in date, a credit will be applied to the client’s account to be used for any service. If cancellation occurs within 7 days of the reservation check-in date, the deposit will be forfeited. Daycare: Please make every effort to communicate changes to daycare reservations with our front desk. Muddy Paws reserves the right to charge for daycare in the event a client no-call, no-shows for daycare. Grooming: Clients are asked to communicate any cancellations or the need to reschedule an appointment as soon as possible. This allows our grooming team time to fill the appointment slot. In the event a client no-shows, cancels, or rebooks within 24 hours of an appointment 3 or more times, Muddy Paws reserves the right to require a $50 appointment fee to book an appointment. The $50 fee will be used towards the grooming invoice or will be forfeited in the event the client no-shows, cancels, or rebooks within 24 hours of appointment.Consent(Required) I agree.RIGHT OF REFUSALMuddy Paws Resort reserves the right to refuse admittance to any dog or dismiss any dog that does not meet or maintain the health, temperament or other daycare/boarding standards. The determination shall be made at the sole discretion of Muddy Paws Resort.Consent(Required) I agree.FULL FORCE AND EFFECTOwner further understands and expressly agrees that each and every of the foregoing provisions contained in paragraphs 1-9 shall be in force and effect and shall apply to each and every occasion on which Owner’s dog(s) is in the care of Muddy Paws Resort.Consent(Required) I agree.Owner hereby certifies that Owner has read and understands this Waiver and Release of Liability and the regulations set forth above. By signing this agreement, Owner agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions.Owner/Guardian(Required) First Last Consent(Required) I agree.Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY 94243